10 Ways to Increase Work Productivity in Corona
- March 16, 2020
- Posted by: Salih ÇAKTI
- Category: Uncategorized

Millions of people worldwide have been affected by the coronavirusand thousands of people are being treated under quarantine. This inevitably started to change the way we do business. We have started to hold our meetings on online platforms, we prefer contactless cards when we want to make any payment, and with the cancellation of trainings, we started to receive trainings online.
Our working life has been negatively affected by the coronavirus. While people in Europe and the Americas already hold many meetings remotely, we are a nation that likes and prefers face-to-face communication. Because of Corona, we are trying to learn how to do business from online platforms and we are making an effort in this regard. This is changing the way we do business. We have prepared 10 items for you that will increase your work performance and productivity during the Corona period.
1- Disinfect Your Work Environment
Even if you work from home, don’t forget to disinfect your computer, cell phone, external monitor, printer and other electronics, as well as your desk. In this case, it will psychologically relax you and make you work more comfortably. We also recommend that you watch the following informative video published by the Ministry of Health on the subject.
2- Integrate Your Meetings and Interviews into Digital
Don’t postpone your meetings and keep your business life going by integrating them into digital platforms. You can hold meetings online using the following platforms;
- Skype
- Google Hangout
- Go To Meeting
- Zoom
- Any Meeting
3- Update and Enhance Your Skill Set
Due to the Corona virus, the time we spend at home has increased and in order to use this time efficiently, you can spend more time on blogs and portals related to your work life. This way you can learn new things and improve your skill set. Online platforms where you can develop your skill set;
- Udemy: With Udemy you can get trainings related to your areas of interest.
- Dualingo: You can improve your foreign language.
You can follow @ucretsiz_egitim on Twitter for free trainings. The account shares 5 free educational platforms every day.
Free Certified Courses of the Day:
– Free Education (@ucretsiz_egitim) March 9, 2020
1- Blockchain: https://t.co/9QDWHqPBti
2-Numpy: https://t.co/kZ5VrNVtkY
3- Java: https://t.co/T8tilxcZb5
4- SEO: https://t.co/WfiUcqMy0e
5- Django: https://t.co/vp4IwnHplN
Telegram channel: https://t.co/3wWFsb0QVC
4- Strengthen Your Corporate Blog
Maybe you can add the titles that have been waiting to be written for a long time about your line of business to your corporate site on this occasion. As offline activity and life decreases, online activity automatically increases and the time spent online increases. By revitalizing your corporate blog and adding new content, you can reach more people and increase your brand awareness. If you don’t have a blog yet, you can start with WordPress.
5- Improve Your Communication with Your Customer Base by Organizing Webinars
With offline activities coming to a standstill, not only business owners and brands but also your customer base are trying to integrate into online life. In this case, what business owners and brands need to do is to accelerate the integration of your customers into digital in the Corona process and get through this process together. Sample webinar titles you can give;
- Digital Integration in the Corona Era
- Fighting Corona in E-Commerce Operations
- How to Make Offline Payments Contactless
6- Turn to Saas Programs for Business Management
By integrating all the work you do online within the company into online platforms, you can both work remotely efficiently and not disrupt your processes. Some SaaS software you can use;
- Trello: Business process management software
- Asana: Business process management software
- Hubspot: Sales and marketing management
- Freshdesk After-sales support system
- Drift: Online support system
- Widgate Content mapping and calendaring system
- Calendly: Online calendar time management
7- Integrate Your Training Delivery and Receiving Processes Digitally
If you are a training founder or have in-house training programs, you can integrate all of these processes into digital. Being in a physical classroom environment is extremely risky as coming together as a community accelerates the spread of the Corona virus. If there are trainings you want to receive, you can choose institutions that provide training remotely, that is, from home, among the institutions that provide training. If you are a business that continues your existence only by providing training, you can integrate into digital very quickly. Here are some tools you can use for distance learning and training;
- Amazon Chime
- Skype
- Cisco WebEx
- Join Me
- Zoom Cloud Meeting
8- Increase Your Spiritual Resilience
Avoid exposure to platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp, where there is a lot of unconfirmed news, images and audio recordings. Do not share any unconfirmed news with your team and customers. You can follow platforms such as teyit.org for such news.
9- Minimize Potential Health Risks of Your Employees
Inform your employees about COVID-19 prevention methods and send occasional informative emails and visuals. For verified content, you can share information prepared by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. Resources you can benefit from;
10- Conduct a Risk Assessment of Your Business
There is no definite date for how long the Corona period will last and whether a vaccine will ever be produced. For this reason, it is useful to develop your business according to Corona and make a risk assessment. The documents prepared by the Dutch Ministry of Trade can be a good guide. You can find the sources we have compiled on the subject below;