Social media use may vary according to the sector. While Facebook is very important in some business areas, online portfolios are more prominent in sectors such as architecture. Architecture and interior architecture are among the most tiring professions in the background. Sketching, pre-model drawings, model creation and project presentation require a serious effort. This effort needs to be presented in the best possible way to the target customer group. In our article, we have created 10 different suggestions for architects and interior designers.

1- Turn the draft drawings of your projects into content.

Every time you start a project, draft drawings and furniture selections are made on paper or in a digital file. These choices and drawings look very bad at first, but there is a big difference between the final work. This difference is an important opportunity for architects and interior designers to create before and after content. The before & after content you will create will show your customers or prospects the cost of the time and effort you put into your projects in the best way possible. If you have the opportunity, you can also produce this work as a video.

2- Digitize your portfolio.

Although all portfolios and projects are designed offline before graduating from architecture school, it can be easier to transfer these portfolios to digital. Seeing the print result, dealing with misprints and time costs are cheaper. When digitizing your portfolio, you can design it as a landing page or you can set up a WordPress-based website and do this with a theme via WordPress.

3- Blog regularly.

We usually hold our smartphone in the palm of our right hand and make continuous upward or downward movements with our right thumb. If there was an app that showed how many kilometers our finger traveled for the day, how many kilometers would you travel?
Within this flow of information, we encounter a lot of content uploaded to many social media platforms. All the content we come across, such as videos, tweets, .gifs and images, remains in a continuously moving downward flow of information.
This raises the question: How long is the lifespan of the content produced?
Among the longest surviving content types is the blog post. This is why every architect and interior designer should pay more attention to producing blog posts when using social media. It should constantly produce content, even if it’s just a little bit.

4- Log in to architecture-specific social networks.

Apart from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which are the most used social networks in our country, there are many social networks that can only be used by architects and interior designers. Pinterest, Behance and Youtube to name a few. You can use Behance for 3D renderings and other works that make up your portfolio.
Behance is one of the best platforms to present your beautiful work with Sketchup. Apart from these, Pinterest can give you great ideas. Youtube is one of the platforms where you can produce video content and see the return much faster.
Today, many architecture companies reach their target audience by sharing their events, trainings or seminars on social networks in addition to producing content for their digital assets. You can transform social media platforms from online content to offline engagement.

5- Convert your audience into sales.

Don’t forget to get the contact information of your target audience to reach more people with the content you produce and build your own community. The process of transforming the community that follows the content you produce in your architectural office’s digital assets into people who show interest in your products or services is one of the most important steps of sales. For this reason, it is important to identify and communicate digital strategies that will reach the contact information of your target audience.

For more information on the subject, please contact us via our contact page.
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Author: Salih ÇAKTI
Digibus Kurucusu

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