Today, many products and services are offered to people by many different brands. It is important for brands to project the most accurate image to their target audience in order for people to prefer any brand and to create an ongoing brand loyalty. Because brands now have personalities and characters and this is the most important criterion for them to be preferred.

Today, building a brand means being represented for the person who will prefer that brand. Brand perception is about identifying what the brand stands for and the audience it appeals to, beyond the product or service it offers. This is especially the case for brands serving in areas such as technology, textiles and luxury consumption, excluding fast-moving consumer goods and food brands.

In addition to meeting a need, it means representing a place in society, an idea, and sometimes a class. For example, the logos on what you wear can give many clues to the other person about your economic status, your life stance.

Therefore, creating a brand means adding character to it and determining everything from marketing communication to sales strategy accordingly.

What is Brand Personality?

Jennifer A. Aaker defines brand personality as ‘a set of human characteristics associated with a brand’. Aaker, who examines brand personality in 5 dimensions below, defines brand personality in a very broad way as; “It is the totality of human characteristics related to a brand.”

Brand personality is actually a matter of defining a personality and character for the brand exactly as it is for people. You define a brand personality based on the adjectives you use to describe a personality. A brand can be rebellious, affectionate, passionate or ambitious. What will determine all this is what will represent the brand afterwards, from the way the product or service is presented to marketing communications.

Creating a brand personality is the first step in building a brand. Determining the adjectives and facts about the personality of the trademark will also determine the people who will represent this trademark, i.e. who will buy products or services from the trademark. Because the target audience of the brand will represent this brand. Just as people come together with common areas such as a certain idea, taste or hobby, the brand’s customers will also meet in a common area. And creating a brand identity is about identifying the characteristics that will bring these people together.

Aaker (1997: 352) has analyzed brand personality in five dimensions. According to Aaker, brand personality consists of competence, sincerity, excitement, sophistication and ruggedness.

There are two types of influences when creating brand personalities: First, product-related attributes. These are;

  • Product category
  • Packaging
  • Price
  • Other features of the product.

The second effect is that non-product-related attributes shape brand personality. These features are:

  • User images
  • Sponsorships
  • Symbol
  • User age
  • Advertising style
  • Origin
  • Company image
  • CEO
  • Celebrity endorsement

According to these, we see that brand personality depends on both the product or service produced and the other temporary or non-transient elements that make up the brand. According to this information, even the CEO of a brand at a certain period can change or direct the personality of the brand.

The Importance of Brand Personality

Creating a brand personality is one of the first stages of building a brand. One of the most important strategies when creating a brand personality is to create a brand personality that is similar to the personality traits that consumers have or admire. For this, the target audience should be identified and then the consumer’s needs and wants should be determined.

Brand personality is an element that businesses can use to position their brands differently from their competitors. The formation of a healthy brand personality forms the basis of all sales, marketing and advertising activities that the brand will undertake afterwards. So what happens next and why is brand personality important in the next stages?

Brand personality is the factor that influences people’s choice of a particular product among similar products. Although issues such as product features and benefits come first, when we choose between several very similar products, we actually choose a brand. We make this choice according to the brand personality. Whether we like or dislike a brand more is related to how much the brand’s personality affects us. We are attracted to brands that are either close to our own personality or close to the personality we want to be. By owning them, by buying the product of that brand, we try to be part of that brand.

Brand Personality Examples

Harley Davidson

There are few brands in the world that represent who their target audience is as well as Harley Davidson. The Harley Davidson brand means similar things to everyone who knows, knows, hears about it.

Not only does a large part of the world know the brand, but the personality of the brand reflects the personality of those who own it. And Harley Davidson is a brand that people with this personality want to own. Harley is a brand that embraces the rebellious spirit of its customers and is proud to go against the temperament of everyday society. Harley Davidson represents a strong brand identity, bold language and rebellion.



Nike is a brand that inspires all its customers to do and act with the slogan “Just Do It”. Founders Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman’s legacy of competitive athletics is part of the brand’s fabric, and this winning mentality extends from the brand’s staff to its relationship with its customers. Like any athlete at the top of their game, Nike has a burning desire to be at the top and stay there.

Nike represents the persona of a coach, encouraging, guiding, motivating, holding its audience accountable for their successes or failures. With “Just Do It” it is a call to action, a way of life and a belief that if you want it enough, you can achieve what you want. Nike represents an effective brand identity, a champion language and winning.


When you think about Coca-Cola, consciously or unconsciously, “happiness” probably comes to mind. Because Coca-Cola has associated itself with this concept by positioning itself in people’s happy moments like all holidays. Through its advertising and communications, it constantly displays happy and slightly magical qualities that we associate with pleasure. Coca-Cola represents a luminous, bright brand identity, joyful language and happiness.


Mercedes is an aspirational and exclusive brand that sits on a pedestal and encourages its customers to earn the right to join its clubs. Mercedes is a constant reminder that it is at the top, and formally demonstrates that it represents supremacy. They display attributes of status, wealth and success throughout their entire brand experience and provide their customers with a sense of achievement. Mercedes Benz stands for refined brand identity, clear language and success.

Digibus we provide brand character building services for all our clients. Because knowing who the brand is affects all marketing and sales activities. For this reason, the most important question we ask at every meeting is; “If your brand was a person and took part in this meeting, what would he/she be like?”

Author: Salih ÇAKTI
Digibus Kurucusu

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