The monotony of social media posts can have negative consequences for a brand’s image. Content that is constantly shared in certain patterns causes habit among followers after a while and limits their interaction with the brand. The parts of the brands’ social media efforts that contain intelligence are actually not monotonous content, but content that follows the agenda and humorous content. Real-time content generation allows the brand to be one step ahead of its competitors on social media.

Real-time content is also popular with users and creates a need to interact. In other words, these types of content elevate a brand’s digital reputation.

By producing real-time content, brands are actually taking the wind of the event behind them. The latest example is Pokemon Go, which is played like crazy all over the world. Although Pokemon Go is only available in a certain number of countries, it has reached a high number of users in countries where it is not available, and people are walking for kilometers with their phones in their hands and trying to catch pokemon. Brands are also realizing this situation. Pokemon Go content shared on social media brings both wit and humor to the table, allowing the brand to get more engagement. The content below received twice as many engagements as previous content.

When these contents, which increase interaction, increase the sharing rates and number of followers of brands, are blended with humor sauce, very high quality contents emerge;

Digibus we create real-time content for the brands we serve, as exemplified above. We know that real-time content increases engagement and we develop it for our brands. We follow the agenda for our brands ?

Author: Salih ÇAKTI
Digibus Kurucusu

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