If you have an idea for a new venture but don’t have the financial backing to make it happen, Kickstarter is a magnet for entrepreneurs. While thousands of entrepreneurs succeed thanks to Kickstarter, just as many fail. One of the biggest reasons for this is not promoting your idea well and starting the project without analyzing the target audience. A total of $4,425,430,548 has been pledged to Kickstarter projects so far. Of the applicants, only 166,801 startups were funded. 16,559,601 backers backed Kickstarter projects, while 5,431,652 people backed more than one project. If you need more detailed statistics on the subject from the link you can make a review.

Target Audience Analysis

Analyze the life cycle of your target audience. Analyze your target audience thoroughly by extracting all the demographic information you will need, such as who your target audience consists of, how old they are, whether they are married or single. Your analysis will guide you on how to integrate your product with the target audience and the product promotions you will make. For example, you have an idea for a bag that fits everything, doesn’t look rough, looks aesthetically pleasing and is waterproof. In which time period does your target audience need this product and why? You can answer such questions through target audience analysis.

Product Photo Shoots

You should take regular product photos and concept photoshoots showing how your product will be used. While normal product photos show the product clearly and express the details, the concept photos you take will show how people using the product will have the comfort of use. You will also be able to tell the story of your product with concept photos.

Shot by Digibus for mobile accessories brand Linktech.

Product Website

With the product website you will prepare, you will also inform users looking for your product on the internet. “If you were to search for your product on the internet, would you support your product based on the results?” The answer to this question measures how strong your product’s online reputation is. For this reason, when people who want to support your idea on Kickstarter search for it on Google, you need to provide the data that will convince them.

You can find a quick solution with the domain address, web hosting and mail infrastructure you need to open a website.

Product Social Media Accounts

Your product’s Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter
social media
accounts and fill them with product information. It would be better not to open these accounts at all than to take them and leave them empty. Therefore, you need to make updates such as profile photo uploads, general information updates, etc. in the accounts.

It will please curious supporters if you upload at least 10 photos to your product social media accounts that will describe your product in the best way.

Product Promotion Video

The best way to promote your startup idea on Kickstarter is to create a product promo video. In the video you upload to Kickstarter, you should introduce your product in the best possible way and answer frequently asked questions about it. You can watch a promotional video of a product that raised funds on Kickstarter below as an example.

Author: Salih ÇAKTI
Digibus Kurucusu

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