The New Currency of the Digital Age : Content

Internet penetration, e-commerce shopping rates, mobile usage and even the time spent on the internet is constantly increasing due to epidemics such as Corona. What are your target audience, your customers, doing during this time?

How Do Customers Access Content?

Every single user who surfs the internet, reviews products, reads reviews before buying an electronic item, researches a health problem, looks for a home workout or diet program, searches through any search engine such as Google, Bing, Yandex and DuckDuckGo. As a result of these searches, the search engine algorithm shows content such as articles, images, videos, live broadcasts and even podcasts that will be most useful to the end user.

How Content Monetizes

If we need to give an example over any blog post;

What can a blog post that receives 100K visits per month from 40 keywords with a 1% conversion rate earn the website owner?

  • Lead (Customer Data)
  • E-Commerce Transformation
  • Brand Awareness
  • Trust etc.

If we make a calculation only on e-commerce conversion;

If a blog post brings in 100,000 visitors per month and has a conversion rate of 1%, a single blog post can bring in 1,000 orders per month.

(100.000X1)/100=1000 Order

If we evaluate the basket average over 50 TL, we can say that it earns 5,000 TL per month.

100X50=5.000 TL

I gave an example on e-commerce in order to move more clearly through the numbers. Again, in results such as customer data, trust and brand awareness, transformations that affect business profitability in every way.

What is Content?

So what is content? In order to answer this question and to go a bit beyond the professional definition, we need to go back a long way. When I say ancient, I mean from the earliest times.

In the past, people drew pictures of the animals they hunted on cave walls. Now it comes to us hunted and cooked and we post these pictures on Instagram. What we post on Instagram is content, but are the paintings that used to be drawn in caves content?

Let’s fast forward a little bit and go to the Orkhon monuments. The Orkhon monuments are 6 written and erected monuments belonging to the period of Bilge Kagan, the famous ruler of the Göktürk Empire. Historically, it is a cornerstone and important for Turkish history. But are the Orkhon Monuments a content?

The paintings drawn on cave walls in the first scenes of history, the Orkhon Monuments, even the book Anna Karenina written by Tolstoy.

The self-produced content we upload to social media sites and mobile applications, which are currently architected by Web 2.0 technology and allow us to interact with each other. All of this is content. Those of us who produce content, i.e. technology users, sometimes produce content for a lifetime and sometimes for 24 hours.

The only thing that determines the lifespan of the content we produce is whether it is useful to people.

All online and offline content that helps and guides people is long-lasting. Just like the paintings on cave walls and the Orkhon Monuments.

How can we create good content while producing content? The answer to this question is in our next blog post. You can reach the other content we produce below;

Author: Salih ÇAKTI
Digibus Kurucusu

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